
Integrated Media Platform with UnLimited StructurE


*This information is as of March, 2025. All specification and contents are subject to change without prior notice.

Function-integrated live production solution

The FOR-A IMPULSE® enables flexible system construction and efficient operation with a software-defined architecture within a MoIP system. The functions of a wide range of FOR-A products have been converted into software and integrated into a single box. Flexible system-building and operation are realized with an intuitive workflow UI.

FOR-A IMPULSE is a registered trademark of FOR-A Company Ltd. in Japan.

Key takeaways

  • “Studio in a box” is realized via a flexible system construction with efficient operation.
    The functions of various FOR-A products that are required for video/live production have been converted into software and integrated into a single box (common platform). Each individual software-based function is defined as a Node. An intuitive web-based GUI graph editor allows users to expand and reduce the system by connecting Nodes. Operation/control is possible both on the web GUI and using a hard panel.
  • Intuitive web GUI “Graph Editor” for flexible workflow design
    A user friendly web GUI “Graph Editor” allows the user to configure the workflow flexibly and visually. Everything can be controlled remotely, and conventional hardware surface/control panel can be adapted as well to support operation with a hard control panel.
  • Utilize as cost effective sharing resources together with Hi-RDS
    Across the multi-vendor islands, it can also be used for common resource sharing via Hi-RDS, reducing equipment cost and increasing productivity by assigning each node to each island under schedule management. Since a single box can serve a wide range of roles, FOR-A IMPULSE contributes to greater efficiency in resource sharing.


  • Efficient system operation and improved cost-effectiveness
    By integrating and operating software-based functions on a common platform, the number of devices and the number of connections between devices can be reduced to simplify, improve efficiency, and reduce costs and labor. This enables lean operation. GUIs that can be operated intuitively also contribute to efficient operation.
  • Flexible system construction
    Systems can be flexibly enlarged or reduced as required. A single system can be used in a variety of applications.
  • Highly flexible operations
    With just a web browser, all operations can be performed remotely. An intuitive UI allows users to operate, manage, support, and maintain a video production workflow at anytime, anywhere.
  • Secure environment
    Each function is grouped with Suite function, and access privileges are managed for each group, enabling the secure operation of multiple systems.
  • Creation of New Business Opportunities
    Flexible system configuration enables the continuous expansion and modification of existing systems and deployment of new applications and services.


The basic unit of media processing for a software-defined function. Connect a Node with the Graph Editor to build a pipeline, enabling flexible media processing. The system can be easily changed, enlarged, or reduced according to the operation, and it can be utilized across several MoIP systems. Some Nodes, such as Video Switcher Node and Audio mixer Node, have more than one Node and called Composite Node.


Each user is assigned a Role, and the Suite manages the access permissions for each Role. Users can only access the Suite to which their Role has access.


Graph Editor GUI

A GUI that allows system construction with intuitive visual operation. You can select and arrange the required Node and change the connectivity between Nodes to build and change any system. The Graph Editor provides real-time video previews with mouse-over views and smooth transitions between Node and GUI with shortcuts.

Switcher Node

A FOR-A switcher's video composite engine and effects are software-defined as a Node so that the Switcher Node can be flexibly structured. A Node can be combined with intuitive controls to add complex compositing and effects.

Scene Editor GUI

Users can add layers by dragging and dropping, grouping layers, and adding video filters.

Hardware panels

Both the software panel and the hardware panel can be connected. The use of familiar panels to reduces the operational load.
* Please contact your FOR-A dealer for connectable hard panels.

MV Node & Layout Editor

MV can be output at 4K resolution even with HD systems. The Layout Editor allows intuitive and free layout manipulation. Items can be arranged in the same way as the FOR-A MV Series*. The system status can be checked from anywhere in the monitoring mode.
* The schedules that can be supported vary depending on the item.

Chroma KEY Node

Can be used for front and back color correction and key composition. The color pick operation allows you to select the color of the key composition while checking the blue screen material feedback.

Media Player Node

Selects and plays internal content and previews the recorded video. Users can also create a new clip by setting a in/out point for the clip. Contents can be restricted by Suite function, enabling secure content operation.

Audio Mixer Node

Audio Mixer Node is a composite Node same as the switcher Node. It can be utilized as an EMG Mixer when operating with an external Mixer. Can be routed to the main audio mixer to output a return signal synchronized with the video. Control via external audio console is available.